Thursday, December 29, 2011

Life With Louis

On December 12th, we welcomed a new member of our family: an elf on the shelf.  After hearing about all the elves at other families' houses and then one showing up at my in-laws' house, I decided to find out what these elves were all about.  I mean, I felt like my kids were missing out on something because we didn't have an elf! What kind of mother would I be if I didn't figure out how to get them one?  It appeared that my mother-in-law's showed up when she bought the Elf on the Shelf book, so Jay and I went to Hallmark and bought it one Sunday afternoon.  Sure enough, the next day, when Jay and Wake came home from school, there was an elf sitting on our mantle!  Wake wasn't too sure about the elf at first.  He kind of thought the one at Granna's was a little creepy, and he REALLY didn't want one at his house, but there it was, so he had to deal with it.  I wasn't home to see his reaction (I was actually in the process of getting rear-ended at the time, but that's another, less pleasant story), but my mom said his eyes got as big as saucers when he spotted the elf, and he ran upstairs to tell Jay about it.
     "There's something in our house, Daddy!"
     "What is it, Wake?"
     "It's one of those elves, Daddy!"

And so began our life with Louis. Our first task, as those of you with elves know, was to name our elf.  My suggestion of Tinsel was summarily rejected by both the boys, but Wake didn't go for Jay's suggestion of Oliver either, and so, we ended up with Louis, which was better than I had hoped for.  Louis quickly won Wake over with his antics (he has a very Perry sense of humor).  The first morning, we found him at the kitchen table on a makeshift booster seat eating graham crackers and drinking milk. Wake's response: "That Louis sure is a rascal!"(Wake later became convinced that it was Arwen's milk, thanks to my mother.  I am breastfeeding.  Fill in the blanks yourself, adults).

The next day, Louis really took a risk.  He played with Wake's most prized possession: his new Nintendo 3DS.  Not only did he created a new file and save a game of Super Mario 3-D Land, but he created his own Mii!  Luckily, Wake wasn't too upset about it--he was already starting to like Louis pretty well by that point, so he let it slide.

Next, Louis used some of Wake's blocks to make himself a chair and ottoman.  Apparently he was so tired from his antics that he needed to kick back with some Coke.

The next day, when Louis's was returning from his nightly trip to the North Pole, I guess he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, and he ended up straddling the star on top of our tree.  At least he didn't knock the tree over, I guess!

Louis must have enjoyed his time hanging from the top of the tree because the next day Wake found him spinning around on the ceiling fan upstairs.  A real adrenaline junkie, that one!

Louis's next little trick was rather an epic fail, at least in Jay's opinion.  See, Louis decided to watch a little late night television and eat some popcorn. Harmless enough, right?  Well, Wake got up the next morning and found Louis watching Nick, Jr. on the back porch (or in the sunning room, as he calls it). Wake didn't really want to watch Nick, Jr., but he was afraid that it would make Louis mad if he changed the channel, so he left it on Nick, Jr. all. day. long. Wake really didn't want to get on the naughty list that close to Christmas, I guess. Without some of his shows to watch, Wake got a little bored, which he apparently mentioned to Jay more than a few times, which made for a fun day, I'm sure. I was still at work, so I missed out on this day full of endless fun--who knew there was ever a good day to be at work?

After that debacle, Louis decided to stay out of the sunroom.  Unfortunately, however, he ended up in the bathroom.  In a roll of toilet paper. On the back of the toilet.  I'll let my husband sum this one up: "He saw more that day than he ever wanted to see."  I think that's enough said.  Use your imagination if you must.

I guess Louis learned his lesson that day because the next day he moved on to the living room where he got down the model trains and played harmlessly on the rug. He kept Wake on his toes, though, lying down to take a nap at one point, and even moving the trains around while we were out of the room.  He's sneaky, that one!

I would have never found Louis the next day, but Wake located him right away.  Maybe Louis was getting lonely and found solace with Arwen's toys.  Or maybe he just thought her little dolly was kind of hot.  I guess we'll never know.

The nursery must have had too many temptations for Louis because he went back in there the next night and rode Arwen's rocking horse (a hand-me-down from her big brother) out into the living room.  I mean, who does this elf think he is? The Lone Ranger?

Not wanting to hurt Wake's feelings by spending too much time in Arwen's room, Louis next ventured to Wake's room.  Since Arwen was born, Wake has slept upstairs in the comic book room on a pull-out sofa.  This was his choice, so don't think us awful parents.  He wanted to be upstairs close to Arwen in case she needed him. Yes, he really is that sweet.  Anyway, this means that his bed is empty every night, so Louis decided to make use of it.  All that flying back and forth to the North Pole must be exhausting!

Then came Christmas Eve. When we got up that morning, Louis had really been up to trouble.  He had replaced all of our stockings with pairs of our underwear (well, a diaper for Arwen).  And, I mean, did he really have to pull out a pair of my granny panties?  He couldn't pick a smaller, cuter pair? At least he got Jay, too, and chose his Spider-Man underwear. I think Louis is officially a Perry now--only a Perry would come up with such an idea!

Now, I admit, I had smoke coming out of my ears a little bit at this point, but Louis made up for it later.  When we got home from our annual Christmas Eve event at Granna and PawPaw's, Louis had taken down the underwear and put the stockings back in place for Santa.  He had also written a note to Santa declaring that both Arwen and Wake had made the Nice List.  Now which list Louis made is still up for argument....

I have to admit, I miss that little rascal. I can't wait until Louis comes back next year.  Wake really enjoyed having him and looking for him everyday, and Jay and I enjoyed seeing the joy on his face each morning when he found him.  Hopefully Arwen will be able to participate more next year.  Louis helped us start a really great new family tradition this year, and for that, we are forever thankful.  Have fun in the North Pole, Louis, and enjoy the time with your family.  We will see you next year!

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